Mama Lee Jerri Lee (:
daddy's first time at a rave. ilovelovelove you& thanks for commin booo
i hadda blast! <333
popsicle @ cowpalace was AMAZING! enough said.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Posted by Chrysss at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
some videos . hahah
where'd it come from boo?!
my ugly dog doinn tricks. nnd my cousins manly laff hahaha!
Posted by Chrysss at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
went to naebuhds house lastnight for the "finals after dinner" (some of us aren't finished with our finals yet, like me!) but it's all good acause they had pizza, spaghetti, bread and drank! after we shot some pool and went straight to playing MAFIA! omgahh, hella funn! hahahh . by the end of the night everyone hopped on the kareoke machine and sang sappy love songs(:
Posted by Chrysss at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: javascript:void(0)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
DownTown Sac.

Posted by Chrysss at 7:00 PM 0 comments
started the day off going on a quadruple with me daddy, karla ant, pat drew, ricky and minh at thai chilli in elk grove. I had pathai? noodles for the first time & it was bombbbbbb. Then after we went to YOG YOG frozen Yogurt where minh hooked us up for the free. shout out to MINH ! thanks hun.
The River. me, daddy, corey, william, douche, biz, pjb, baychao, camach by la riveria. the water was too cold so it was impossible to swim! it was cool anyway because the boys were just sippin and throwin rocks in the water tryna make it skip? Then, they thought it would be funny to start a fire .. first started off small, then ended up big. Did you kids not learn anything from smokey the bear!
Posted by Chrysss at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Karla's Kick Back At Her House Friday Night. we were literally up til 4 in the morning playing MAFIA! it's this one card game that deals with you having to be a good liar. pretty coo when everyones smacked or faded just pointing ndd yelling at eachother. ahahahha we seriously should make this a friday night ritual acause this game is a lil bit tooooo fun! would be even more crackinn if more peeps would join (:
Posted by Chrysss at 4:08 AM 0 comments
Sup BlackBerry Bold .
Yea, i got it & it's sessy too. Most of my time you can catch me on this bad boy cause after all this work imma put into it, it'll be shittin on yours. TELL YA MOM!
Posted by Chrysss at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What's up guys?! Sorry for laggin on my spot, but lemme give you a brief discussion on what's goin on with my life right now. Lately everything's all good besides all these clueless girls who piss me offffff, but lets not go into detail. Anyway! a few of you know i dropped my phone awhile back in the rain. OKAAAAY, see what had happen was i was walking to class and it was slippery (thats what she said). and my screen cracked! after that i wasn't able to talk to people, just on speaker and how embarrassing is that, walking in public talking to people on speaker? hahahh hella geyyy. well, sunday was when my phone completely died! i can hear gettin texts, but i can't hear nobody call. my screen is all fucked up! but it's all good acause the parentals are getting me a new phone on friday. but let me tell you, IPHONE'S ARE NOT THE BIDNESS, unless your one of those cool people who kno how to jailbreak em and do all that cool stuff, but really thouu, i recommend you please do not fuck with iphones. they are dumass expensive and they come with no insurance .. so im switching to a blackberry. the blackberry bold smart phone to be exact, baby i can't wait til friday mami will be there to get you!
ohhh, and it's sooo hard to get ahold of people due to the fact that i only kno a handful of important peoples numbers and im tryna sell these presales for this thursdays club event FLANNEL GEEKS& SNEAKER FREAKS TONIC SAC MAY 14TH. so if you're tryna cop from me, hit me on aim: WHAAAT CHRYS or message me on my myspace errrr something. &yalll sexymotha effers better go too(: thanks.
Posted by Chrysss at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy 8th Birthday Rinnah!
Happy 8th Birthday to my lil cousin Rinnah Aquino Raffanan(: she got the cleanest hello kitty cake evaaaa!(im in loveeeee). Yenno my family had to do it big & throw her a party with every single filipino food you can name of. mmmm!
Posted by Chrysss at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Cockstar Corey!
sooo me and daddy cashed coreeezy on this rouge status tank top and i happen to be creative and wrap the gift myself! I bought this plain box and hot clued pretty pink and zebra fabric all around it. To top it off, i slapped a hundreds logo on top since he loves the hundreds. YOUR WELCOME BIAAATCHHHHH!
Oh& big ups to Grace for the hundreds cupcake she got him! those are cleeeean(;
Once again, Happy Birthday Corey Baybehhhh!
Posted by Chrysss at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Mario.
happy 21st mario! another coo kick it at the layer with the homies faded and playing games cept me acause i felt the need not to. Tonhie bro you're probably reading this acause you told me to blog about my first tequila shot nd it was quite tasteyy(: but uhh, someone got a lil bit tooo fadeddd and i wanted to post that picture of you yackinn in the bathroom, but i didnt ask for ya permission yet so i wasnt sure if it was okay or not. Hahahah it's all good baybeh. anyway! i was already asleep and i heard the bangbangbangbang crazy knock at the door and apparently someone threw up outside of the door steps and the neighbors happened to trip on it yellin at corey to go clean it up, but wtf! corey yells at em back. funny stuffff mayne!
Posted by Chrysss at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
for those of you who don't watch uglietv, you're the opposite. subscribe now beeotches(:
Posted by Chrysss at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
tonight daddy sent me on a scavenger hunt to find my late birthday gift. it was hella cute because he hid note cards containing where the next clue was in different places throughout the apartment. the last clue he had me doing was that cold, warm, hot, hotter game. once i figured it out, i saw the pretty pink juicy couture box just waiting for me to open it! omgahhh it was the limited black terry purse that no otha girl can find just in sacramento... i freakin' cried! thank youuu francis gerald chico reyes!! i lovelovelovelove it& i♥ youuu!!
Posted by Chrysss at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Albizzinator!
aye.. daniel just riding the skateboard while all of us were riding in the truck.
happy birthday to pinchi pinoche' alan who barely turned 19. after school i picked up nachocheese chris b, corey& daddy to meet up with the niggas in rancho for alans bbq, which by the way was helllla goood! big ups to mom and pops for making carnitas, cactus salad and all that bomb ass mexican food. after we watched the boys hoop at the park til it got dark outside, while i was tryna hustle lil kids to let me have their scooters. hahaha
Posted by Chrysss at 3:59 PM 0 comments