Did you know? 63% of kids don't get enough calcium and just two of these bad boys contain as much calcium as a 5 oz. glass of milk plus vitamin D for increased calcium absorption. Honestly I've neva seen gummy bears like this before and not only they are a way to build stronger bones, they are bombbbbb(: get off that flintstone weeak typa shit.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Calcium Gummy Bears
Posted by Chrysss at 1:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Capital Christian
Every Sunday i hit up capital christian off bradshaw where yeah, its crack'nn. Lately, i been feeling kinda down but church as usual always brings my spirit up. Somehow i seem to lose my appetite& forget to eat. I lack sleep acause i got too much shit on my mind.. and right now my back is killlin me! damnn, hella not good for my health but imma get by just fine. I learned a lot about myself today and all i gotta say is im starting brand new. There's a lot about my past i'd like to turn back to, but shit happens for a reason right!? God has a lot in store for me and i know he has a plan for you too. In the ultimate, the only person who makes ya happy is yaself. so do what you gotta do to keep it goin baby& thats exactly what im shootin for.. fresssssssh
Posted by Chrysss at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Drop Box/Fair
Earlier today me and the cuzzo's rented some DVD's at the 99 cent DVD place where okay it's pretty self explanatory when i say 99cents for DVD's. Anyway it was 9pm and we wanted to rent some more, but it was closed. We decided to return the previous ones, and that is when we saw the DROP OFF box ... now wtf?! its the most ghettoest drop off boxes i evaa seen, marked cardboard using the mail drop off for movies which i thought was prettty funny.
mini fair down the street and you kno i had to cash for the 25dollaaa family pack just to ride the fucking Zipper. Let me tell you, never again! that shit was unstable and homeboy almost forgot about us when the ride was ovaa so were stuck up there for hellla long. haha i lost my voice so i pretty much sound like a dude right now(:
Posted by Chrysss at 10:48 PM 0 comments
sexy than a muthafckaa .
i always love me some tasha time. shout to to my girl tasha who has dumbass hospitality and vocals! check her out, I especially like the song she wrote herself towards the end because i can relate bigtime. Love you DreDay All day!
Posted by Chrysss at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Natomas Library.
Alright wellllll, my short ass is in Natomas Public Library studying for my Philosophy Ethics Exam tomorrow which is laaaaaaaaame because I haven't started on any reading assignments and quiz's I am suppose to do. but DET, im bout to start right now.
Posted by Chrysss at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Poor Rondez ):
I freakin' hate the city streets! i swear, me and daddy got lost so many times and both our GPS' were fuckin' up. We spent a good 40 mins trying to find Chevron @BayShore because after whisper Marcus' windsheild got stomped on and him and corey were not able to drive it far. It was already 3amish and were stuck at the gas station for a minute posted with cops figuring out what to do. This isn't the first time stupid city nigga's bash cars like that, hellllllla messed up. & Also, there was this mexican dude who was taking several sobriety tests and they did not want to leave him alone! they ended up taking him to jail with wifey still in the car ): i felt hella bad because i don't really think he did anything wrong. allll bad night for them.
p.s. donnovan loves me, in yo face!
Posted by Chrysss at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
So.. im in my ChDv class i have to sit in the way back because the class contains approximetely 70 students which sucks cause i can't see the overhead from afar! and in my coms class me and pat always complain about our professor giving us hard work for a GE so we make fun of him due to the fact that everytime we see him he seems to get bigger and bigger each time! =X Lol
OHHH, and in my Philosophy Ethics class on wednesdays my professor suffers from ADHD and every time he lectures he tweaks out and i feel like he's on crack by the way he flips his hair every 2 seconds of the day and let me tell you.... it's quite distracting. lol
&& GET THIS! every tuesday and thursdays after school ill walk to my car and this anonymous person or persons leave me threat notes on my car saying "Hey Bitch, imma steal your steering wheel, so take it off or else - X0X0" now, whoooooo the efff would do sucha thing? but i think i got an idea of who, since the x0x0 gave it away *AHEM (ambers). -__- HAHAHAHA. anyway, i find it cute tho. and helll nah, i love my hk steering wheel & im not bout to take it off thankyouverymuch(:
Posted by Chrysss at 11:26 PM 0 comments
B I N G O 1199!
every other day my auntie makes me keyword: MAKES me go to bingo and theres this thing called 1199, where you get a chance to win 1,199 dollars. she asked me to play for her because she had to use the bathroom and when the numbers came up they happened to call out mines! i was soooo excited, i yellled out BINGO! but i was lightweight sad because the money wasn't mine ): but its alll good thou, acause she hooked me up with the 2 hunnit and i can't be mad at that. (:
Posted by Chrysss at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Happy Birthday PJB&SAECHAO!
soooo, early in the morning i get the text from nick4sho saying to come thru his apt last night which was a tuesday, now who parties on a tuesday?! apparently we do! hahaha && we all had school this morning which was alllll bad. -__- anyway it was saechao's big two one! and patricks nineteen! sooo we had to celebrate(: once again, happy birthday boys! i loveyaaa.
Posted by Chrysss at 4:13 PM 0 comments